Parole Rubate   Purloined Letters



Il contributo muove da una peculiare espressione usata da Sofocle nell’Aiace  per connotare enfaticamente la tarda età di Eribea, madre dell’eroe: “che ha ottenuto in sorte molti anni”). Tale espressione ha avuto una certa fortuna in epoca bizantina, come dimostrano gli scritti di Niceforo Basilace, Eustazio Macrembolita, Niceta Coniate, Giorgio Tornice, Costantino Manasse, Germano II e Niceforo Callisto Xanthopoulo.



This article focuses on a particular expression from Sophocles’ Ajax: “with her share of many years”. Referring to and highlighting the old age of Eriboea, the heroe’s mother, this phrase came into fashion in the Byzantine age, as attested by Nikephoros Basilakes, Eustathios Makrembolites, Niketas Choniates, Georges Tornikes, Costantine Manasses, German II and Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos.

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